Reminder: Queen Mary Park Community League AGM NEXT WEEK – April 28th



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A reminder that the Queen Mary Park Annual General Meeting will be held Thursday, April 28th from 7:00pm – 8:00pm via Zoom video conference.

Topics for discussion will include a review of the League’s activities and financial statements for 2021/2022.

During the meeting, community league members will have the opportunity to nominate/elect new members to serve on the League’s Board of Directors.

Community members will also have the opportunity to present any questions or concerns they may have.

This year, elections will be held for the following roles within the board:
– President
– Treasurer

We will also be looking for additional board members to serve as members at large.

Documents for the Meeting:

Financial Statements – QMP Financials for 2022AGM

2021 AGM Minutes –2021 QMPCL Annual General Meeting MInutes



Click on the link below and follow the instructions provided

Meeting ID: 811 8381 8581
Passcode: 176272


Dial 587-328-1099
Enter the Meeting ID & Passcode
Meeting ID: 811 8381 8581
Passcode: 176272

Need to get your 2021/2022 Membership
before the meeting?

Sign up at or email with your name, full address, and phone number.

Please note: Membership renewals for 2022/2023 begin on September 1, 2022.

Instructions for using Zoom



Zoom is a program that runs on your computer, phone, or tablet. You must download this program from the Zoom website. The free version of Zoom should meet all of your needs.

If you’ve received an email invitation to a Zoom meeting, click the link that says, “Join Zoom Meeting.” If this is the first time you’ve used Zoom, this link will take you to a website where you can download the Zoom program or app, depending on what device you’re using.

On an iPhone or iPad: Go to the Apple App Store and search for “ZOOM Cloud Meetings.” Click “Get” to download and install the Zoom app.

A close up of a logo Description automatically generated

The Zoom app in the App Store

On an Android phone or tablet: Go to the Google Play App Store and search for “Zoom Cloud Meetings.” Click “Install.”

On a computer: On the Download Center website (, click “Download” in the “Zoom Client for Meetings” section.

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

Click the blue Download button to download Zoom from the website

After Zoom is downloaded, you must install it onto your computer.

If you have an Apple computer, like a MacBook: Double-click the file called Zoom.pkg, which is typically saved to your Downloads folder. The installer program opens and guides you through the process.

If you have a PC: Double-click the file called ZoomInstaller.exe file to install the program.

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

Double-click ZoomInstaller.exe to install Zoom on your PC.


After you install Zoom, there are a few different ways to join a Zoom meeting. You can click the link in your invitation email, go to the Zoom website and enter the meeting ID, or dial into the meeting on a phone.

Click the link :

Go to the Zoom website: Go to, and enter the meeting ID from your invitation email.
Meeting ID: 822 3198 7595
Passcode: 379892

When you are on the Zoom website, if you are asked if you want to open Zoom, click “Open” Zoom opens, showing you a preview of your camera image. Then click either “Join with Video” or “Join without Video.” If you use video, other people in the meeting will see you. If not, they will just see your name. Next, Zoom asks about audio. Click “Join with Computer Audio” so you can hear and be heard in the meeting.

Dial into the meeting on a phone: If you don’t have access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can use a phone to dial into the meeting. The phone number for Edmonton is 587-328-1099


Once you’ve joined the meeting, you can see and hear other participants. Each participant is represented by a square that displays their face (if they’ve chosen to join with video) or just their name.

If you’re in a large meeting, make sure your microphone is muted. Your computer microphone is pretty sensitive, and if you’re unmuted, it can pick up a lot of background noise. The mute button, which looks like a microphone, is in the bottom left corner of the Zoom screen. If the microphone has a red line through it, you’re muted, and no one in the meeting can hear you.

A close up of a screen Description automatically generated

If the microphone has a red line through it, you are muted.

Click the button again to unmute yourself if you want to talk in the meeting.

A close up of a screen Description automatically generated

If the microphone has no red line through it, you can be heard in the meeting.

Only one person in the meeting can talk at a time. Zoom indicates who is speaking by highlighting their image with a yellow square.

There is also a chat feature in Zoom, where you can type messages to other participants. Participants can send messages to everyone in the meeting, or just certain participants. However, after the meeting, the host can view the transcript of all chats, so it’s not entirely private. If there is a message for you in the chat, a notification appears on the Chat button, which looks like a speech bubble. Click that button to open the chat window.


Click “Leave Meeting” on the bottom right corner to leave the meeting.




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