Queen Mary Park is a diverse and vibrant community located in the heart of Edmonton. The goal of our community league is to bring neighbours together to enjoy programs, events, and facilities that are close to home. Neighbours knowing neighbours, helping, and looking out for one another is the foundation of a strong community.
The Queen Mary Park Community League connects neighbours through events, classes, community projects, programs and forums. Some of our most popular offerings include the annual Big Bin event, Winterfest, our Pancake Dinner, and programming such as yoga and guitar lessons.
Queen Mary Park is located on the former farmland of Joseph Babish and the former location of Prince Rupert Golf Course. The golf course’s club house served as the league’s original hall after the course closed in 1951. The current Queen Mary Park hall was built through the hard work of community members after the original hall burnt down in the early 1990s.
Our community league board is made up of dedicated volunteers who live in our vibrant neighbourhood. We are always looking for new ideas and perspectives and welcome residents to come be a part of our board or volunteer with one of our many events!
Hall Address
Mailing Address
PO Box 352 Edmonton Main
Edmonton, AB
T5J 2J6