Movie Night at the Hall!
Join us on Thursday, January 23rd to watch Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph!
6:30pm at the Hall, 10844 117 ST
Feel free to wear some comfy clothes, bring a blanket, a snack, and a friend!

Yogalates is back for 2025!
Class have started back at Queen Mary Park! Every Tuesday at 7pm!
Queen Mary Park Hall Basement, 10844 117 St.
FREE for QMP Community League members!

Saturday Morning Cartoons!
Bring along your comfy clothes and a pillow or two and join us for a fun morning watching cartoons and snacking on cereal!

QMP Career Club
Career Club is back for 2025!
Come down to the hall this Thursday, February 20th at 7pm and work with HR Consultant, Ian Hopfe, to gather interview support, job hunting and resume tips, and everything employment related!
For more information, please email ian@queenmarypark.ca
CoE Rent Ready!
The City of Edmonton is helping renters find and keep housing through free courses on tenant rights and responsibilities, budgeting, home maintenance and navigating the application process. Rent Ready courses, offered in partnership with Bissell Centre, C5 Hub and the Edmonton Public Library, are part of the City’s efforts to prevent homelessness by empowering tenants.
Renting can be complicated. To make it easier, these courses teach people about the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords, ways to find savings and make the most of their money, creating a safe home, communicating effectively with landlords and applying to rent.
Two types of courses are offered:
- Basic Course: a three hour in-person course that gives renters the knowledge and tools they need to find housing that works for them.
- Certificate Course: a more in-depth four week in-person course. Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate recognized by The Alberta Residential Landlord Association as a reference for rental applications.
Learn more and sign up at edmonton.ca/RentReady.
Problem Property Reporting
Are you concerned about activities around properties in our neighbourhood? Did you know you can report a problem property to the City of Edmonton?
The reporting form and more information can be found here.
This form allows you to report concerns you may have about problem properties in your neighbourhood. This has the potential to:
- Improve community safety
- Empower citizens
- Target properties, not individuals
- Hold property owners accountable for activities on their properties
The identity of the person or persons making the complaint (the reporter) is entirely confidential. The reporter will not be involved in any investigative or court proceedings that may result from the complaint.

Kids Baking Classes
Looking for activities to do with the kids during the upcoming Professional Development days?
Duchess Atelier offer a wide variety of baking classes with a kid friendly twist. A great opportunity to keep kids entertained while encouraging creativity.
Check it out here.
Upcoming Events
We have some great events planned for this upcoming year!
Mark your calendars and stay posted for more details!
Saturday, March 1st – Comedy & Curry Night
Saturday, April 12th – Volunteer Appreciation Night
Thursday, April 24th – Community League Annual General Meeting
Sunday, May 25th – Community Parks Clean Up*
Friday, May 31st & Saturday, June 1st – Community-Wide Garage Sale
Friday, June 13th – Ladies Swap n’ Shop*
Saturday, June 14th – Community Bin and Reuse Fair *
Thursday, July 10th – Pancake Dinner *
Thursday, July 24th – Music in the Park
Saturday, September 13th – Community League Day BBQ *
Sunday, September 28th – KAIROS Blanket Exercise
Thursday, October 31st – Halloween warm up at the hall *
Thursday, November 20th – Winter/Holiday Party *
Dec. 13th- 24th – 12 Days of Giveaways (Digital event)
December 31st – New Years Eve Party
* Our events and programs rely heavily on community volunteers and participants. Please consider volunteering to help keep these great events running!
If you have an idea for a community event or program, please reach out to the Community League!
Hall Rental Inquiries: 780-807-8552, rentals@queenmarypark.ca
Community League Meetings
QMP Community members are welcome to attend our monthly Community League Board meetings. Come out and find out more about your community, the league, and what’s happening in our neighbourhood!
Join us at our next meeting on Tuesday, February 14th at 6:30pm at the hall.