QMP News – April 2022


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The Queen Mary Park Annual General Meeting will be held Thursday, April 28th from 7:00pm – 8:00pm via Zoom video conference.

Topics for discussion will include a review of the League’s activities and financial statements for 2021/2022.

During the meeting, community league members will have the opportunity to nominate/elect new members to serve on the League’s Board of Directors.

Community members will also have the opportunity to present any questions or concerns they may have. 

This year, elections will be held for the following roles within the board:
– President
– Treasurer

We will also be looking for additional board members to serve as members at large.

Need to get your 2021/2022 Membership
before the meeting?

Sign up at www.queenmarypark.ca or email memberships@queenmarypark.ca with your name, full address, and phone number.

Please note: Membership renewals for 2022/2023 begin on September 1, 2022.

Street Sweeping has Started!

Please move your vehicles off the street so they can do a thorough job. 

Central McDougall and Queen Mary Park Neighbourhood Revitalization Steering Committee is looking for volunteers to fill a few positions for 2022.
If you are interested, you can reach out to Regan Gee at regan.gee@edmonton.ca

Clean Energy Improvement Program
Edmonton residents interested in upgrading the energy efficiency of their homes can now apply for low-cost financing under the City’s new Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP).

The two-year pilot program provides access to low-cost financing to help Edmontonians make a minimum of three energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades to residential homes. A second pilot for commercial properties will roll out later in 2022. The process involves the City providing $11.25 million in financing and rebates to address most upfront costs. The financing is then repaid by the property owners through the owners’ property taxes.

Residential Pre-qualification forms can be found, along with additional program information, at myceip.ca/edmonton/

Ready. Set. READ!
A child learns to love books and build reading skills at home starting from birth. The Edmonton Public Librar can help. Ready. Set. READ! is a new program in partnership with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. Eligible children will receive a new, age-appropriate book every month until age five.

At this time, Ready. Set. READ! is only available to families living in one of 13 neighbourhoods across Edmonton, including Queen Mary Park!

Space is limited and children must be under five years old. To see if you qualify, visit epl.ca/ready-set-read.




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