
Are you interested in helping out in your community?

Our board has openings for directors-at-large! If you enjoy getting involved in your community, meeting new people, and having your voice heard, please contact president@queenmarypark.ca.

We have events throughout the year requiring volunteers, including Big Bin, Casinos, Thursday Nights on the Edge, Community League BBQ, Winterfest and more! Stay tuned on our social media and email blasts for opportunities.

If you have a skill you can contribute to our community, please let us know!

Upcoming events that need volunteers:

We are looking for volunteers to come and help with our annual Pancake Dinner event the evening of THURSDAY, July 11th.

The community league loves offering great event opportunities for our neighbours, but we always need help to make each event happen!

If you think you can spare some time please contact Sahaj at sahaj@queenmarypark.ca.

Sign Up!