QMP – Casino Volunteers Needed!


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QMP Fundraising Casino – December 5th & 6th
Queen Mary Park Community League is still seeking volunteers to work our fundraising Casino coming up on December 5th and 6th, 2023! No previous experience required!

Proceeds from the casino help provide funding for all of Queen Mary Park’s programs and events as well as hall and park maintenance and improvements. Approximately 40 volunteers are required over the 2 days.

Casino Dates: December 5 & 6, 2023, 11AM-3AM
Location: Grand Villa Casino, 10204 104 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5J 0H6
Volunteers can sign up at: 

We are looking for various positions. All positions require NO previous experience and are supervised by professional Casino Advisors. If needed, transportation to and from the Casino can and will be arranged by the community league.
One FREE meal is also provided by the Casino.



General Manager / Assistant General Manager
The role of the general manager is to supervise all aspects of the casino
You are assisted directly by the Professional Cash Cage Advisor for all activities.

You control the main Cash Cage floats of chips and cash.
Your top priority is to assist cashiers by monitoring their pay outs.
You are assisted directly by the Professional Cash Cage Advisor for all activities.

You pay off players’ chips and make change.
You are assisted/supervised by Banker/Manager and the Professional Casino Advisor.

Chip Runner
You are a courier (runner) for chip orders for the casino games.
You are not usually too busy except at the opening and closing of the casino day.

Count Room Supervisor
You work with the Count Room Advisor to keep records of the cash and chips in the count room.
You are assisted directly by the Professional Count Room Advisor for all activities.

Count Room Counters
Various jobs include sorting, counting, verifying and amalgamating cash from drop boxes.

Volunteers can sign up at: https://forms.gle/KYcAbWBjAqjif9iq7

Casino Volunteer Application Form – Certain positions require a Casino Volunteer application form,
The casino chair will let you know if they need one from you.
Casino Volunteer Worker Application

Please contact casino@queenmarypark.ca if you have any questions!


Queen Mary Park Community League
Membership RENEWALS
It’s that time of year again! Time to renew your Queen Mary Park Community League membership!

Memberships must be renewed every year on September 1st to stay current. Memberships can be renewed by signing up on our website at www.queenmarypark.ca/memberships or by emailing memberships@queenmarypark.ca.

Please ensure all relevant contact information is included in all renewal applications, including name, address in Queen Mary Park, phone number, and number of skate tags required.

Your FREE Membership benefits include:
– free skate tags for use at various skating rinks throughout the city
– free swimming at Commonwealth Rec Centre on Sundays from 1pm – 3pm
– free access at the Edmonton Tool Library
– access to various events and recreation programming 
– connection with our vibrant community!

Queen Mary Park Community League
Meeting – Tuesday,October 10th
The next meeting of the Queen Mary Park Community League board will take place at the hall on Tuesday, October 10th at 6:30pm.

All community members are welcome to attend!





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