QMP AGM – Board of Directors 2021/2022


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Queen Mary Park Community League
Board of Directors 2021/2022


Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Virtual AGM last night!

During the meeting nominations were held for Directors at Large on the Queen Mary Park board and the roles of Vice President and Secretary were elected.

Without further ado we would like to introduce you to the QMPCL board for 2021/2022!

Continuing on the board are:

Karen Vanderlaan – President
Martyn Bell – Vice President
Randy Shuttleworth – Treasurer
Kelsey van Moorsel – Secretary
Sandy Budzinski
Roxanne deVries
Keisha Marsh
Matthew Lensen

We would also like to welcome our new board members:

Christine Johnston
Ian Hopfe
Sean Douglas

And last, but not least, we would like to say a big THANK YOU to our outgoing board members for all of their hard work and dedication during their time on the board:

Derrick Forsythe,
Sahaj Malhotra
Kate Hamblin

We are sad to see you go but thank you for all of your valuable contributions!

Are you interested in being part of a great team and having a say in what goes on in your community? The board still has openings for Directors at Large!

Email president@queenmarypark.ca and let us know if you are interested in joining the board!

Membership Renewal for 2021/2022

Don’t forget that Queen Mary Park Community League Memberships are up for renewal on September 1st, 2021!

Starting September 1st please sign up online at www.queenmarypark.ca or email memberships@queenmarypark.ca

Again, we ask you to please get your renewal requests in early and please be patient! We expect a large number of new memberships and renewals in September. Each memberships is processed by QMP volunteers as soon as possible.

We will do our best to get you your membership a.s.a.p.!

July QMPCL Board Meeting

Our next meeting is set to take place on Tuesday, July 13th at 6:30pm. 

As current COVID restrictions only allow for limited in-person attendees, we ask that anyone interested in attending please pre-register by emailing memberships@queenmarypark.ca by Monday, July 12th at 11pm. 




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